Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bad computer, BAD!

I was all ready to post something pleasant and insightful BUT I just accidentally deleted photos from a month's worth of meaningful events and life, off my computer...PERMANENTLY!!! oooh! I'm so mad!

Listen Technology, and listen good. Deleting photos from both folders on my computer when I only told you to delete one is NOT going to win my trust or my further investment of time. I'm so mad at you right now, I can't believe I'm blogging!
That's it! You're being punished. I'm not spending any more time with you tonight.


Unknown said...

Lisa, you can go to history on your computer and revert back to yesterday to restore your pictures. Are you sure they r not in the recycle bin?

BirdandKey said...


drh said...

Lisa, I’m sorry. Also, this is hilarious!