Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sarah and Kirk, this is for you.

My friends Sarah and Kirk, who convinced me to start this blog, reminded me today that I've not posted anything in a while. So, here's a few thoughts for you...
I just watched Rick Steve explore Oslo, Norway. At the end of the program he says " I'm Rick Steve, keep on traveling!" Must be nice. I wish I could keep on traveling're a lucky dude. Even though Norway wouldn't be the first place I'd visit.
Along with my delusions of overseas travel I've been having color hallucinations. As I fall asleep at night or have a peaceful moment during the day, I'm overwhelmed with thoughts about color combinations or things I should paint.
I suppose I should get a move on huh? And I call myself and artist. Well, really I don't often. Anyhow...I need to paint. Pray for me.
Yesterday I bought two plates at Goodwill. They're by an artist named Vera Neumann. She was around a long time ago and I quite like her designs...I have a small collection of scarves and cloth napkins with her designs on them...anyhow, the plates, to my surprise, have one of her designs on them...wonderful!! They have blue and purple figs painted on them and now I'm hallucinating in blue and odd thing for me since I usually gravitate toward warmer colors. I think I'm going to paint my mailbox in honor of my Vera plates. I'll let you know how it goes.


drh said...

Yay...purple! I want to see whatever you produce in purple, knowing how much you typically don’t care for it!

R Leit said...

I'm about to watch Rick Steve's program in 15 excited for it as he is highlighting Barcelona, my dream city! :) Love you friend.

BirdandKey said...

I am glad to inspire this post...I will inspire more if I have to!!! Don't test me, Puckey.